Saturday, July 9, 2011

Trip into town and SCITECH!

Yesterday saw us back into town and back out again to Scitech. We spent a good four hours there, and had a wonderful time. We saw the Super Cool show, all about liquid nitrogen, which gave Alice a start on understanding how molecules behave when they are cooled or heated (balloons shrink in liquid nitrogen, and expand again as they warm!). We spent a great deal of time in the play room, and Alice's favourite activity was the ball transporter, which uses augers, baskets and cranks to move balls around.

Scitech is great for a day out, and science concepts - Alice enjoys the computer programs that allow you to manipulate them to make music. We saw the hatched chicks. There is a very cool robot that takes a photo, converts it to simple lines and then draws that picture, very cool. We all enjoyed jumping up and down on cushions to operate the pneumatic message tubes.

We saw the stained glass windows on the second level of Forest Place again, a simple beauty that amazes me every time I see them. They are so beautiful, and most people have no idea they are there. Had another good look at Haul Pack - unfortunately it has had to be fenced off as it was getting damaged by people climbing on it. We spent quite a bit of time at the model shop trying to decide what to do for Joshua - he's a train kid, and I don't see that changing, so we are going to get him a starter train set for his next birthday. It's a big expense, but seeing as we've always planned on starting a model railway sooner or later it's not such a big deal!

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